Monday, January 17, 2011

Thoughts for a new book

I have recently had an idea strike me on the book I may be meant to write. I think I will write a book about the years from 2000-2010. In that time I became a momma x2, endured the loss of a mother-in-law, almost lost baby #2, mustered the courage to leave an abusive alcoholic husband, bought my first car (this may seem small, but it was a huge step toward my feeling independent), survived an mentally abusive/drug addicted fiance`, finished a master's degree, loved & lost many, became a stronger Christian, and found then married my soul mate. It is a very involved 10 years that has shown me the best & worst of life... I think that my story can encourage others to do right by themselves. Thoughts?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Music ~ stolen from my journal dated 12-27-04

It makes me want to move & dance. I love the moods it sets or erases. It can turn anger into laughter, frustration to tears, slow to fast. Music that is full and rich fills the air in a way you can almost touch. Colors race across a black slate when I close my eyes and listen. If I look hard enough, the colors become a scene telling a story or expressions of feeling. Often I want to break out canvas and paint while I listen but I feel hindered to do so. Too much pressure for explanation once someone else sees your thoughts. What once was private becomes public for others to judge or question.

The beats match the pulses of the blood pulsing through my veins, feeding my heart. The melody controls my breathing. My thoughts wonder as I lose concentration on the lyrics but the music continues - becoming the soundtrack for my life, my dreams, my fears, my hopes - the past, the future, the now.

Emotions stir and then fall again to become replaced by some other feeling being drummed up by the beat or lyric.

In my sleep I hear music...It feeds my soul ~

Monday, December 7, 2009


So often we say we will do ________ tomorrow. Or "next time." This last weekend has me really thinking about all this. On Saturday I attended a funeral for the mother of a friend. The momma passed less than a month after finding out she had cancer. Then it was much too late for her to start checking things off her bucket list!

The morning after the funeral, I heard that a teacher from the elementary school I attend had passed away. She was older, 92 I believe, but were there things she still wanted to do that she had been putting off? Later that same day I found out of another passing. This person, a friend and colleague, surely had things he'd yet to do that he wanted to get done. In fact he had recently left his hometown to be near his only child and only grandchild. At least he had done that. Many moments were had that would have been missed if he had stayed put.

In my thinking, I know there is a lesson here. It is God's way of showing us - again - that life is short. Every second has to count. Tell people you love them. Help each other. Be there. Don't put it off. Go for it!

I created a bucket list several years ago. In the time since the list was written, I have been able to check a few things off the list, but not near what I should have done in the last years worth of time. I need to get busy. Here is just a sampling of what still has to get done:
play golf
play chess
see a Broadway show
go to the opera
help w/ humanitarian aid
make a quilt
learn to crochet
find my soul mate
have a book published
become a photographer
see the Bears play at Soldier Field
own a home
see the Triple Crown races
ice skate
attend Indy 500
watch baby sea turtles make their way into the ocean
go sailing
visit Washington DC
go horseback riding in the mnts.

This one is for Sara

Sara has asked that I post my cross photos here so that she can share them w/ her buddies in TX! Here ya go, Sara!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The start of it all

When I was a little girl, I visited my Great Aunt Bea in Melbourne Beach, FL. She housed my cousins & I in a guest apartment behind her house. I felt so grown up in that space. While staying there I happened upon a bookshelf full of my Aunt's journals. She had written every day (or real darn close) for most of her lifetime. Her story was housed there on those shelves, in neatly bound lined pages. For many years I have wished to be as organised as her so that I could find time in my life to write everyday... writing is the soul's best medicine by the way. I have many full journals, but I also have writing here & there in journals. Maybe this will give me my spot to have a voice.

The thing that has led me finally try online blogging is a friend who posted a link to The December Photo Project tonight. I am inspired and want to try it... please excuse me for a moment as I travel around the house to find the perfect something to photograph.

Awww...yes! There it is! Tonight my daughter & I played w/ a "new" (to us) website, It is a great place for spelling practice. She worked on her 18 spelling words & only missed one! :) When I got to her door tonight I found this note on the white board she had placed just outside her door. Can you guess which one word she had missed?